Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
Studier av draperiet
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"Blå", 2021.
45 000NOK
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"Blå", 2021.
195 x 95 x 45 cm
45 000NOK
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"Tekno", 2021.
175 x 200 x 165 cm
45 000NOK
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"Brud", 2021.
110 x 65 x 30 cm
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"Portal", 2021.
215 x 175 x 70 cm
45 000NOK
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"FFolds", 2021.
220 x 210 x 130 cm
50 000NOK
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"FFolds", 2021.
220 x 210 x 130 cm
50 000 NOK
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"Rød", 2021.
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"Trad", 2021.
215 x 175 x 95 cm
45 000 NOK
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"Trad", 2021.
215 x 175 x 95 cm
45 000 NOK
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"Slør", 2021.
260 x 130 x 65 cm
30 000 NOK
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"Husmorkunst", grå, 2021.
55 x 40 x 25cm
18 000NOK
Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
"Husmorkunst pastell", 2021.
50 x 40 x 45 cm
16 000NOK
«Good. So let’s try to identify… We just created a few guideposts on the level of the Baroque, you see? We move forward just a bit. What does it mean to create folds? [
Sound of Deleuze’s chair; he goes to the board] I can say – let’s have a break here -- you see, creating folds is what? Well, it’s rounding off angles, creating folds. We are not very far into this, but that’s it: to round off angles, but you sense that we have to change this expression for many things. Rounding off angles, hmm, this is whatever you want, but among other things, it’s possible that this is a mathematical operation. It’s possible that this could have lots of outcomes. How… Can you round off angles in math? Perhaps you can. Perhaps Leibniz never stopped rounding off angles. He was a great mathematician, so he was capable of doing that. So, we just say, here we are, the Baroque, you see, how does it create folds? By undertaking a treatment in bulk, and this treatment in bulk undertakes this by rounding off angles, by constituting [forms of] soft matter.»
Gilles Deleuze, Seminar on Leibniz and the Baroque -- Leibniz as Baroque Philosopher, Lecture 01, 28 October 1986: Introduction: Pleats and Folds, Transcribed and Translated by Charles J. Stivale